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Writer's pictureAmandine S’iita

Why is it so important to know if you are “Left-Brained” or “Right-Brained”

Updated: Aug 9, 2022

Knowing who you are, how you behave, and how you communicate is a Key to experiencing Life without being frustrated.

Understanding the Right brain vs. Left brain theory, and knowing how you use your brain hemispheres helps you understand yourself better. It improves your ability to study, learn and process information. It also informs you about the reasons why you prefer certain activities or have certain interests. If you understand how the information is processed, you will be able to do more with that information but also be able to structure your life in a way that’s going to create more success and help you get to where you want to get to.

How many of us have been misunderstood and dealt with a school system that did not conform to our thinking process and so, felt frustrated and probably end up assuming that we weren’t smart enough?

If I knew that my personality type and my brain dominance were not adapted to my university program, I’d have saved precious time by not pursuing this degree; which wasn’t appropriate for my thinking process.

But, the school system is not designed to teach us to express ourselves with our differences and our strengths fully. Instead, they point out our weaknesses in developing a unique structure for everyone. It means that if you’re unable to follow through with the system, you fail. However, failure in this situation is totally meaningless. It does not mean that I was not able to follow a Gestion Degree, it means the education system did not develop an understanding process of my learning style of thinking and the way of expressing my mind. It is my experiences and my self-confidence as a student which has greatly impacted my studies.

The approaches between a left-brained and a right-brained is different and depending on brain dominance the teaching process should be different as well. Therefore my objective is to develop an understanding of what side of the brain we use and the implications that it has in our lives. And so, recognize our strengths and weaknesses to help us to achieve our goals.

These are 6 simple questions that you can ask yourself and then determine whether you’re left or right brain dominance.

1. “Big Picture” oriented vs. Detail oriented

Right-brain people tend to… Being creative, intuitive, and idealistic; they generate new ideas and projects, but they have an aversion to paperwork and repetitive tasks. They take attention to context and describe what needs to be done, but loathe the details. They see patterns and themes in complicated problems; they’re more visual and strategic and guided by emotions. Most of the time, they handle things with emotional intelligence. This thinking style leads them to develop goals and visions, whether they can exactly map out how to reach them or not. They will more than likely have an idea about how things should be done, but they might not be able to list to minute details that would need to happen for their plan to come to fruition.

Left brain person tends to… Refine ideas and make them practical; they focus on things in a lot of detail but don’t see the big picture or the outcome; they refine a plan rather than generate a plan. Most of the time they over-analyze situations and focus on all their senses, as they are sensory. Detail-oriented thinkers will often be more precise than someone that is visionary. Detail-oriented people are not very good at visionary thinking but are very good at the execution sides of things. They will most likely over-think things from time to time.

So, do you look at the Big picture first and then the details? or the details first and gets the Big picture?

2. Sequential vs random processing

The right-brained person is random. They may move from one job to another. They will get just as much done, but perhaps without having addressed priorities. An assignment may be late or incomplete, not because they weren’t working but because they were working on something else.

The left-brained person is a list maker. They complete tasks in order and take pleasure in checking them off when they are accomplished. Likewise, learning things in sequence is relatively easy for them. If you are left-brained, you are probably a good speller.

So, do you like to make a list and follow the daily planning schedule or do you like to work on several projects at the same time and work on them randomly?

3. Symbolic VS concrete processing

The right brain person… Wants things to be concrete. Wants to see, feel, or touch the real object. They can read body language and know the difference between verbal and nonverbal. They can see the space difference in an object and see what it looks like behind it without having to rotate. They’re critical thinkers, science-minded.

The left-brained person tends to… They are comfortable with linguistic and mathematical endeavors. The left-brain person has no trouble processing symbols. Left-brained people will probably just memorize vocabulary words or math formulas while a right-braider prefers to see words in context, to see how the formula works.

So are you good with symbols such as mathematical equations, letters, and words? or do you like hands-on activities where you can feel? Touch and experience what you are learning.

4. Logical VS Intuitive processing

Right-brain people tend to… Use intuition. They may know the right answer to a math problem but not be sure how they got it. On a quiz, they have a gut feeling as to which answers are correct, and they are usually right. The right side pays attention to coherence and meaning; that is, your right brain tells you it “feels” right.

Left brain people tend to… They don’t need to know necessarily the “Why” they have to do it or how they have to do it to get and accomplish it. They just need to get all the details and then come up with a logical answer if they want to follow through.

Do you follow your intuition when making decisions? or do you take in all the details and come up with conclusions to come up with logical answers?

5. Verbal VS Non-Verbal

The right-brained person … Might know what they want to say but don’t know how to express it fully or in a way that is going to meet another person’s needs because part of the right brain is connected with emotional intelligence. That may have challenging putting into words, So, right brain person needs to back up everything visually. And writing is a good way of expressing themselves better.

The left-brained person tends to… A left-brain person has little trouble expressing themselves in words. The best illustration of this is to listen to people give directions. When they read and listen, they look for the pieces so that they can draw rational conclusions.

Do you have no problems expressing what you want to say or know what you want to say but have a hard time putting it into words?

6. Reality- bases VS Fantasy- Oriented processing

The right-brained person tends to… Change your structure or change the rules as soon as they walk in because they are a game changer. They like to turn things around. They’re not trying to adapt to the situation they’re trying to change it all the time.

The left-brained person tends to… Adapt to their environment whenever there are changes, or they try to change their settings that of adapting to it. So a person whose left brain will usually create a structure with is no structure. So let’s say they come into your office. They’re already trying to create structure in their mind because their mind is structured. That is how their brain works.

Do you adapt to your environment whenever there are changes? or change the environment instead of adapting? Now let’s see …

Left Brainer:

You think more methodical and analytical than creative and artistic. Generally, left-brain individuals rely on cold-hard facts and real-life data, rather than emotions and imagination. Their systematic and stable personalities make them good candidates as reliable team leaders. They often pace themselves and do not overreact quickly. When it comes to daily life, left-brain people approach it the same way they approach their professional or academic obligations.

For example, when watching a movie, a left-brain person tends to analyze it from a technical point of view. They try to evaluate the quality of a script, or how good or bad the directing was. They strive to be as clear and direct as possible. Left-brain people like order and organize their daily plans as neatly and systematically as possible. They remember events chronologically, usually in great detail, and approach every potential risk with necessary caution. When facing problems, they immediately try to find the most efficient solutions, and they are not easily distracted by their emotions.

In a love story, the left-brained person needs time to solve problems as they arise. They aren’t going to have an impulsive, emotional reaction to anything; instead, they are going to need to take a step back and think about things as they stand.

Example of the carrier: Left Brain Scientific — Computer Programmer — Accountant — Lawyer — Civil Engineer — Financial Advisor — Doctor — Analyst — Researcher Right Brainer

Right Brainer:

The right hemisphere of the brain controls creativity, imagination, and intuition, giving them the ability to visualize and interpret reality. It helps people to look at the bigger picture so they can better assess problems and come up with innovative strategies to solve them.

The right side of the brain contributes to emotional intelligence — the ability to understand ourselves and be empathetic towards others. Those who develop emotional intelligence are able to master interpersonal relationships, a vital skill for managers. Seeing the bigger picture is essential for right-brained people to understand the world. For example, when organizing files, a left-brained person focuses on individual files. While a right-brained person would think of a cataloging system to save time for the next batch.

In a love story, the right-brained person wouldn’t analyze each person’s behaviors. They would concentrate on the good feelings that a person gives to their partner each day.

Example of the carrier: Right Brain Leader/Manager — Entrepreneur — Graphic Designers — Actor — Counselor or Psychologist — Interior Designer — Life Coach — Humanitarian helper — Inventor — Communication coordinator

Knowing if you are a left or right-brainer is very useful not only for yourself but also for your ability not to judge others in their ability, not to so much question why people do what they do, and just develop an understanding. We simply do process information differently.

Overall, both the right and the left hemispheres have their strengths and weaknesses. If we can develop a balance we can better achieve our dreams and goals.

Amandine S'iita

Inspirational Writer

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